May 16 2016

Booking a Vacation For Your Pet

Doggy Vacation

Unable to take your pets on vacation with you this summer? Worried about having to leave them at a boarding kennel? Here are some tips that can help keep you and your pet be worry free.

  • First and foremost, make sure your pets are healthy before boarding them. Ensure that they are up to date on their vaccinations and flea prevention.
  • Providing your pet’s favorite blanket, bedding or chew toy can make their kennel feel more like home. But remember, too may toys or items can be lost or misplaced so stick to just one or two.
  • Bringing along their own food will help decrease the risk of them becoming sick from a sudden switch of food. Remember to also pack their favorite treat or stuffed Kong!
  • Try your best to keep an upbeat and calm attitude on your way to the kennel and as you leave them. Animals can easily sense anxiety and nervousness and become worried themselves.
  • Arm the kennel staff with everything they need to know about your pet. Information including medical conditions, behavioral problems, eating habits, and bathroom routines make for a smoother stay for your loved one.
  • Remember to provide an emergency contact number of where you will be in case the facility needs to get in contact with you. It is also recommended to provide an additional contact number of a close family member or friend who can be reached if you cannot.

It is important to be aware that some animals who are not accustomed to being left may not do the best in a kennel situation. Often times they will bark or paw at the kennel as they don’t understand their new surroundings. There are other options available such as pet sitting, whether in your home or theirs, or even doggie daycare facilities, where dogs are allowed out to mingle with other dogs and not kenneled all day. Not sure how your dog will handle the kennel? Conduct a trial run beforehand. Ask to board your pet just overnight to see how they do.  For those anxious pets who must be kenneled check into the many products out there which help reduce anxiety. Thundershirts and lavender scented collars are just two products we have found to be beneficial for some animals.

Also note that it is not unusual for your pet to be tired when coming home from the boarding kennel. They can get wrapped up in all the new activity of the kennel rather than napping like they would at home. A few days back in their normal routine and all should be well again.

If you interested in kenneling your pet or just want some more information, please contact Bellevue Animal Hospital at (419) 483-6345 or Sandusky Animal Hospital at (567) 256-3615.  We would love to talk to you!

-Blog Post Written By Jessica Ziegler, RVT

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Bellevue Hours
Monday8:00am – 5:00pm
Tuesday8:00am – 5:00pm
Wednesday8:00am – 5:00pm
Thursday8:00am – 5:00pm
Friday8:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday9:00am – 12:00pm

FOR EMERGENCIES after hours pertaining to a surgery performed by Bellevue Animal Hospital in the last 14 days, please contact: (419) 603-8299.

FOR ALL OTHER EMERGIENCIES after hours please reach out to the nearest emergency veterinary hospital.

We usually hold an educational staff meeting from 12pm - 3pm on the second or third Wednesday of each month. We will be closed during this time.

After Hours

Since we are unable to staff our hospitals 24 hours a day, please contact one of the emergency centers below. They will be able provide you and your pet with the after hours supervision and care you need.

MedVet Cleveland West
20400 Emerald Parkway
Cleveland, OH 44135

Sandusky Hours
Monday8:00am – 5:00pm
Tuesday8:00am – 5:00pm
Wednesday8:00am – 5:00pm
Thursday8:00am – 5:00pm
Friday8:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday9:00am – 12:00pm

FOR EMERGENCIES after hours pertaining to a surgery performed by Sandusky Animal Hospital in the last 14 days, please contact: (419) 603-8299.

FOR ALL OTHER EMERGIENCIES after hours please reach out to the nearest emergency veterinary hospital.

We usually hold an educational staff meeting from 12pm - 3pm on the second or third Wednesday of each month. We will be closed during this time.